Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Colorless World

What are the primary features of this world--spatial, cultural, biological, fantastic, cosmological? 

The world presented to us in Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki is a very interesting one due to its isolation, relationship with the spiritual, and relationship with the past.  We view the world largely from Tsukuru's perspective, and as he grows, the world seems to grow with him, spatially.  We begin in Tokyo where he works and attended school before we travel to where he grew up.  Tsukuru, a character that has made few travels in his life, is very connected with these places.  It is worth noting that Tsukuru realizes that although he spends all of his time in train stations, he never thinks to get on a train and travel.  And to that point, despite the fact that we know there is a world outside of the world that Tsukuru experiences, our world only broadens with him.  He finally travels to another country at the end of the story, pushing the boundaries of the world both Tsukuru and the readers experience.
The story takes place in Japan and thus Japanese cultural and social conventions are used throughout the story.  The connection to trains in particular has an interesting effect.  Public transport like trains are not used as widely in the US as they are in Japan, so it is likely that Japanese audiences are better able to relate to this aspect of the story.  Also important are naming conventions and the meanings behind those names.  Names in Japan tend to carry importance in regards to their meanings, and the idea of colored names would not have worked as well if the story had been in another country or culture.
The story deals with time in an interesting way.  Events that took place many years before the present day of the story are described in exquisite detail, which not only gives the readers perspective on who Tsukuru is, but how he is still impacted by the past.  The narrative is nonlinear and almost dream-like.  It feels as though we are traveling around with Tsukuru as he experiences not only the present world, but the world of his memories as he becomes lost in the emotions of his past traumas.  
Tsukuru's world is also one in which supernatural occurrences and dreams tend to carry importance.  There are moments when the events of the story are even scary, but like Tsukuru, the readers never really learn the truths behind these occurrences.  We never know if they are real or fabricated, but they carry weight within the story.  

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