Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Professor Incognito

Are there any prominent symbols in the story?  If so, what are they and how are they used?

The author uses the idea of opposites to reflect this idea of double lives and secret identities.  All of the major themes of the story are represented as binaries: good and evil, hero and villain, future and past, earth and space.  In the context of the story, these ideas are presented as two sides of the same coin, leading up to the ultimate decision presented to Nebula: to be mortal enemies, or to be co-regents in the oncoming Martian invasion.  Ultimately, each of these binaries is representative of
Nebula and Professor Incognito and their relationship to each other.

What connections did you make with the story?  Discuss the elements of the work with which you were able to connect.

This is an interesting story to try to connect with because we only hear the voice of one character.  We get hints of Nebula through Incognito's impression of her, but the voice is largely his.  And although it is a very typical villainous voice, he is a character that I could see myself grow to appreciate.  The non-evil aspects of his life could be seen as very relatable.  And, being personally sensitive about my height, I tend to connect with any male character under 5'5".

What changes would you make to adapt this story into another medium? What medium would you use?  What changes would you make?

This is a pretty malleable idea that could, although it is probably most effective as a written work, be easily translated into a short film, video game, or comic.  The reason I say it is most effective as a written work is because it reads as a sort of long monologue, and in another medium, elements would need to be redacted in order to break up the monotony- or not.  In a game, I could see it as a file that the player stumbles across to reveal backstory.  The gist of it could be relayed by a character projected on a screen, but the additional backstory in the form of written files could be made available to the player.  This is a good concept for a game because of the first-person narrative.  In a film, this (shortened), could easily be a scene that comes after following Nebula on a journey as a protagonist.  Or, as an experimental short film, the viewer could be put in the position of Nebula as the plot is slowly revealed.  It could be a scene in a comic, but the lengthy text would have to be shortened even more, unless it was revealed as a sort of extra in the form of a couple pages of prose.

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